Edip Yuksel

Edip Yuksel, born in Turkey, is a professor at a Community college in Arizona, USA. He considers himself to be an intellectual. He also seems to be very proud of having written a letter by himself to the famous cosmologist, Carl Sagan in 1993. 

Yuksel is one of the few followers of the cult once led by Rashad Khalifa, whose main contribution to the world was claiming to have discovered a numerical code in the Qur'an based on the number 19. Since Rashad Khalifa's assassination in the 1990s, Edip Yuksel seems to be the leading advocate of the so called "19 Miracle in the Qur'an". 

Yuksel, along with his leader, Rashad Khalifa have been deemed as heretics or disbelievers by mainstream Muslim scholars. Khalifa's claim regarding the number 19, one which Yuksel has taken upon himself to promote, had been refuted and exposed for its misinformation by a well known and influential Salafi scholar named Bilal Philips (link to the work can be found below). Perhaps as a consequence, Edip Yuksel proposes the Quran-only version of Islam and rails against the traditional and mainstream forms of the religion.

Yuksel's strategy for promoting the alleged numerical code in the Quran seems to mostly involve gloating about himself, ambushing popular names under the guise of an interview and then delivering a monologue which is later labelled as a debate that, by Yuksel's own and only his admission, is won by himself.

Yuksel maintains the following websites;


The following is a compilation of responses to or refutations of Edip Yuksel's claims;

I. The Miracle of 19

Video Presentations

1. StopSpamming1's The Miracle of 19 in the Koran

Examining the claims by Edip YĆ¼ksel regarding mathematical miracles within the text of the Koran. SS1 shows that this letter/word/meaning counting is sheer apophenia/patternicity.


Debates & Discussions

1. The Jinn & Tonic Show: Quranism, Islam without Sunna - featuring Edip Yuksel - Dec 1st 2012

An episode of the Jinn & Tonic Show featuring Edip Yuksel and TheRationalizer, Klingschor and hosted by AlmightyAtheismo. Discusses the miracle claim regarding 19 among other topics


Books, Articles & Blogs

1. Dr. Bilal Philips' The Quran's Numerical Miracle: Hoax and Heresy

A refutation by the Muslim scholar Bilal Philips of the Islamic apologetic miracle claim regarding the number 19 touted by Rashad Khalifa and Edip Yuksel

2. Michael Shermer's 19

Michael Shermer, editor of the skeptic magazine, reflects and expounds on his interview ambushed by Edip Yuksel.

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